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kergeten said:

Great another endless religious thread, here's the thing, a religion does not really exist, there is no absolute truth to it, what a religion is reflects its time, place and followers.

Religion is power, a power wielded and shaped by humans, and those in power determine what it is, regardless of scripture and tenets.

Yes, I did edit the above to get to the two points I was going to ask about.  So, question: How does something that really doesn't exist be power?  Either it exists and does something, or it doesn't.

And this relates to a question I had also and was going to ask: What has religion actually done?  The same goes for any philosophy here.  What have they done?  Have they done anything?  Has Christianity, Islam, or whatever done anything?  Do belief systems do anything?  Or is it the people in the systems that do things.

And then, the question is: If people are considered hypocrites when they do things that are bad, then how does one fault what the religion says as being in error?