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Great another endless religious thread, here's the thing, a religion does not really exist, there is no absolute truth to it, what a religion is reflects its time, place and followers. It's scripture, philosophy and mentality is all here and now, not elsewhere or some other time. A religion is what it's people make it, I don't care if you quote verses of incredible wisdom and kindness,I can quote just as many of the exact opposite type, and both are just as relevant in the minds of those who uphold them. In the middle ages the church was tyrannical, in Nazi Germany its was Nazi, now its against human progress, I don't care if some of their followers are decent people as long as they support their idiotic leaders, I don't care if a church does good, when a simple change of leadership can turn into a monstrosity.

Religion is power, a power wielded and shaped by humans, and those in power determine what it is, regardless of scripture and tenets. Religion is seen by the wise as false, by the masses as true and by the leaders as useful, and if you call yourself christian you are responsible for every christian asshole that makes this world less pleasant to live in because his book tells him he can.