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What's so awesome about God? Honestly he reminds me of Big Brother from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four. Also having lived all my life in the second most religious European country after the Vatican, which of course is overwhelmly chrisitan, and having been raised by a fundametalist christian family, I wouldn't be so sure about getting into heaven that easily if i were you. Of course I presume you're from one of those pesky sects they were telling us at school to avoid. So you're probably gonna go to hell just because of that.

And of course christianity like all religions is all about violence and indoctrination. How else would it stay alive?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
