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Gamerace said:
Chrizum said:
Gamerace said:
Chrizum said:
Gamerace said:
Gnac said:

I could have picked others from my almost 50 games just to please you, 'ace, but I chose the games I like the most. Also, if they're available for the Wii, that makes them Wii games, no?

Could you perhaps enlighten us as to what games are representative?


I picked my favorite 20 too.   I've easily owned well over 100 Wii titles now, rented others, sold most, still have about 50.

I just find it sad many of my own favorites were not titles made for Wii, just ports of old PS2 or GC games.   At this point one would hope enough original content existed for Wii that those ports would all have been dropped from the list.

The fans on this site only represent a niche of Wii owners.   From sales we can easily see most Wii owners, if this was representative, would list games like:  Just Dance, EA Sport Active, Lego Star Wars, Dance Dance Revolution:HP, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, The Biggest Loser, Hasbro Game Party, Harry Potter, Hanna Montana, Deca Sporta and the infamous Carnival Games.   Yet so far those games, and many others, are missing from our lists here.   If these are the top titles, then it's obvious most people find these the best games for Wii and for them, they are.

Actually, most of the games you listed aren't that popular at all. The list would be more like: Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Play, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Guitar Hero, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart Wii, etc.

Yes of course.  But those are already well represented on our list (is it ever going to be updated?) as they should be, so I didn't mention them.

So your point is that some of us really like some games that relatively haven't sold well? How is that pathetic?

No, that's fine.  A lot of great games don't sell well.  Fire Emblem would never win a Wii sales contest but certainly deserves to be here.  Same with Maramusa (sp?) which isn't my cup of tea but which by all accounts, is a great game.   LKS is another fine example.   Those are great games in niche genres made for Wii.  Although none of these games use Wii's capabilities at all and could be on any system but whatever, they're great Wii games.

I have issue with the mediocore titles that we're listing like Conduit (which I loved) and Red Steel 2 which is only half a game, and not a fully realized one at that.   I was playing it until I put Godfather back in after a 2 year break.   I saw how much attention to detail was there, the depth of gameplay, the storyline, the dialogue, and the technical prowess - it looks better than most Wii titles, and you can run all over a damn city - opening doors everywhere - without game-breaking loads (although there's lots when you follow the story).   It was so obvious a ton more time, effort and care went into Godfather and I couldn't go back to Red Steel 2, which is basically a one trick pony (1:1 sword play).   I'll get my 1:1 fix on Zelda:SS as that'll be a fully realized game deserving to be top 100 (top 10 I'm sure).   Madworld, No More Heroes and others fall into this category too.   Fun yes.  But if they were HD on HD systems, there's no way they'd ever made top 100.  Not as they are.  If they were fleshed out more, with online, etc. then yes, sure.  Have our standards dropped so low or are Wii's offerings so thin we hold these games up as examples of the best Wii has to offer?

It's also sad that we are still holding up the RE4, Okami's, and worse, Lara Croft Anniversary and such which likely wouldn't have reached top 100 on PS2 but do for Wii?    Where are the great Wii games made for Wii?

At the same time, there's a lot of fun games we aren't listing which probably are more representative of what makes Wii special to so many people.

Did it occur to you that maybe some of these people actually PREFER these Wii games to HD console games? I don't know why so many self proclaimed hardcore gamers get this idea in their head that HD console games automatically = better games.. Why? Because of better graphics? Bigger budgets? Give me a break.. What happened to games that were just about FUN. For my money, Wii offers this more than the HD consoles.

I personally can count the really notable HD retail games for me with my one hand.. Fallout 3, Oblivion, Gears, Dead Rising, Call of Duty 4.. Most of the others have been just meh to me, and often leave me bored, uninterested, and unimpressed. I dislike how most games these days (talking about on HD consoles) have become more interactive movies, that flex their graphic muscle and seem to focus on the cinematics, story, and "art," than the actual FUN and the content within the game itself. I also and starting to grow tired of this ultra masculine, over the top blood and gore, grey and brown filled games that continue to be pumped out. They are also becoming far too linear for my tastes, holding your hand the whole way through and removing most challenge (this is also why I love a game like Fallout 3, because there is no linearity.)

Wii has the least of this bs, and it's the main reason it's my favorite console, with the most games that appeal to me. Remember, quality is relative.. and more graphical power or marketting hype CERTAINLY doesn't measure a game's quality.

In my view, it is not the Wii gamers that have low standards, but the HD console owners. If Wii owners had such low standards as you say, it would not be so hard to sell a game to them.