irstupid said:
well i saw someone earlier mention how how can adults play non 18 games. I'm guessing he had to be sarcastic, but seems your saying simliar here. I bet only 10% of my game collection is rated M, the rest are T or lower. Its been a many a years since I turned 18. So what am I doing playing these kiddy games? Hell we only watch rated R movies right? If you go to a rated PG, PG-13, G or any other movie you are just not mature at all. It has to be rated R right? just like games have to be rated M. I can't have fun playing with people if the game is not rated M, that is false fun. I'm just pretending to have fun. See i don't know what this family friendly appearance is you have going on for Nintendo, but lets use disney for example since they seem simlar. Just went to Prince of Persia recently and i loved it. I loved pirates of cariibean movies, chronicles of narnia, looking forward to sorceror's apprentice and other disney movies. And no what? those movies don't have a single ounce of blood shown in any of the fights and killing. They don't swear either, or have nudity at all. Can i not enjoy them? |
Sure you can enjoy them. But what about people that do want to enjoy blood and nudity on the Wii? If they're not on there, then they would have a hard time enjoying them. And it seems like NOA hasn't really been pushing to have outstanding games with risquier fare on there since Madworld came out and they got a lot of flak from activists group saying we can't have that type of material on "our console."