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Who did Mattrick sleep with to get his job?  He gets on my last nerve, especially with the way he pronounces it X-BAWX.  Haha! 

OT:  Each of the big 3 should have a great Holiday.  Even if Sony had nothing but GT5 coming this year they would still have their best Holiday yet.  I personally think that GT5 will move more hardware than MGS4 did. 

Nothing needs to be said for Nintendo, they have a lineup coming that will bring their core back to them with an elated ferocity and I'm happy as a pig in poo about it.

Microsoft has, onthe other hand, put all of their eggs in the Kinect basket.  Kinect will make or break the 360 at this point.  If it works well it will be huge and if it sucks then the box goes to last place says I. 

All opinions mind you so please don't ban me.  I'm still trying to figure out what brings down the ban-hammer.  If I offended anyone my deepest and most humble apologies... Except to Mattrick; that guy sucks.