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"Nintendo is living in the past"

so? Not a bad thing.

And actually, if you haven't slept for the last years you might have noticed that Nintendo developed lots of new things and is a company which automatically leads to money-hunger and their big franchises sell because most people like it. Why should they care about minorities when it's not making a lot of money?

It's totally funny how people always complain about the current situation btw. First, Nintendo should make all their great characters re-appear and when they do it's all bad. People want new stuff in gaming, Nintendo does it and gets blamed by people they don't care about.

The community of self-titled core gamers is just ridiculous. And I know I will just be flamed for being a fanboy or something although I own more consoles than 99% of you and don't give a damn about trademarks and stuff. Have fun :)