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L1nkToTheFuture said:

Well some new information i just found says that there might be vehicles on specific maps. 

I think that Bill Sullivan just let the cat out of the bag too early.

@ psychobrew: if vehicles are included i don't think they'll feel tacked on as they would only be used in specific maps, like new maps that they have designed specifically with vehicles in mind.

- Conduit 2 will allow for remote patches to fix online issues
- ships with a headset
- chat actively in the gameplay lobby before matches, during the matches themselves, and in-between setup for matches that follow
- SCAR semi-automatic rifle has secondary charge side effect that allows you to be invisible on radar
- perk system akin to Modern Warfare
- may see vehicles in specific multiplayer maps
- short downtime between online matches
- alternate fire for TPC launcher: sticky proximity mines
- 30 suit upgrades
- weapon blueprints (for unlocking weapons in multiplayer mode)
- Conspiracy items which unlock background materials
- Teammates can revive you if you die
- Expose enemy weakspots by blasting off helmets and armor
- DLC still in discussion

Wow for a small dev these guys sure are ambitious.    Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Hope the competition here makes Goldeneye step up their game.  Heck CoD:BO too.