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sethnintendo said:
Viper1 said:
infamous23 said:
Viper1 said:
infamous23 said:

Is there even one M game coming to Wii this year?

This question displays a combination of ignorance of the game catalog and narrow minded concept of what a "video game" must be to be considered valid.

A video game is quite a broad thing.  And just becuase something doesn't innovate in a niche segment doesn't mean it's not innovative on the whole.

So, I guess no M games have been announced for Wii this year?

I was right.  You show complete ignorance of the console's catalog.

I'm not doing your homework for you.  Go get eduucated about what youare debating on, then come back.


Viper, it is all good.  You can't talk to someone that only cares about M rated games.  A true gamer realizes there are good games in all ESRB ratings.  I don't look for rating first then quality next.  I look for quality first.  I don't even care what a game is rated.  If the game is fun to play then it is fun.  Close minded "gamers" (don't even think they deserve the gamer title) think about ratings more.  It is like a little kid thinking they are cool cause they saw a R rated film when they were younger than 18.

I don't only look at the ratings.  The truth is there are no M rated games on Wii rated anywhere near as high as the highest M rated games on the other consoles by Metacritic.  We don't see innovative groundbreaking adult themed games like Fallout 3, GTA IV, Heavy Rain, or God of War III coming out on Wii  I think on Wii Suda51's games come closest.

And if there were several M rated games coming out on Wii this year, then I wouldn't have to do research on them.  I would be able to name at least a few off the top of my head like last year I could name Silent Hill:  Shattered Memories, No More Heroes:  Desperate Struggle, Red Steel 2, and Muramasa:  The Demon Blade.

It's true I want more content out of my games than what I would let my 12 year old nephew watch.