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zexen_lowe said:
Hephaestos said:
lestatdark said:
Hephaestos said:

so no update (or is it my browser?)


France 1- SA 2 (too bad for SA, they are the first host not to qualify... and they conceded a goal to france, that's pathetic :p (yes i'm french)).

Uruguay 1 - Mexico 0 the two teams would have been qualified anyways unless they lost by a north corean score... good job to them!

I think Ajescent will only update later in the day, since he can't do it from work (He said something of the sort yesterday )

Being a Frenchmen, how do you feel about the attitude from the French team, regarding Anelka's expulsion from the team and the subsequent events that took place? 

The latent sentiment in france is that Anelka was in the wrong (we don't care that players always insult coaches behind closed doors... it shouldn't happen anyways, you should respect your boss even if you disagree...)

For the rest of the team, the strike they went on had the effect of everyone thinking they are stupid little kids who earn too much money and feel way overimportant. in response to this, the french federation has confirmed that the sponsoring money will not be played to the players but to amateur leagues (suposetely it's a rule since 2006 if they don't pass the first round, they forfeit winnings).

The only good effect in all this is that people start to think that the coach (that most of france wanted out in 2008) is probably much less to blame than what was thought previously.

But one aspect that non french probably have missed is that this french group had clans fighting for supremacy... the Antillies (black french from the caraibes) Vs the africans, the muslims Vs the non muslims.... basically this team was a melting pot of suburbs petty thiefs that all wanted to be the chief... exception being Gourcuff who was basically shun out of the team by Ribery who wanted to be the playmaker (last decisive pass he made was in 2008... not quite the same player as with bayern). So yeah kindergarden kids fighting for supremassy and jealous of the ones that get attention from the media... (Gourcuff's father is a coach in France's first league, so the guy actually knows how to talk like someone with at least half a brain and the media like him for that).


That's the short version...

Wait...wait...France is on the astrologist side???? How can you even support a guy that decides the team based on tarot cards? All this happened because he's a fucking idiot that left important people like Nasri and Benzema out of the WC and put in their place people that can't kick a ball like Govou. And then he lives key people like Henry and Malouda out from the starting lineup...I thought everyone would side with Anelka

France is still against Domenech, but we've been against him since even before the world cup 2006... if you recall, france was doing horribly bad even up to the group stage of that WC... it's still a wonder how they managed to pull off beating brazil, spain, portugal...

The tarot cards part was with Giuly (who actually was out because he sent sexy SMS to domenech's girlfriend) and Yohan Micoud ... both performing very well in their clubs and... barely called with france.

Now I can't say about Nasri, but Benzema is an other one of those very high ego players that don't do what the coach says...this is a big reason in to why he was not called.

Govou is a mistery indeed.. in 2006 he was called after a player got hurt... and played almost every game with france...

Henry is way out of form and Malouda is good, but one of the problematic players...

and why would anyone side with Anelka? the guy was the only forward on the field and kept on playing in midfield, then when the coach yels at him, he just refuses and insults him? (the insult is why he was taken out)

If you recall, in 2002 (or so), Anelka said that to come back into the french team, the coach had to kneel and ask for forgiveness, then he would consider it... if that ain't a guy with an ego the size of the moon, I don't know what is...oh and he also stoped playing with Madrid for the same reasons...