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What I am seeing here, outside of the entire site goning bonkers over 3DS, is a firestorm of debate and discussion regarding Move, and how it is more precise and has augmented reality.  I will ask then:

1. Who here is pumped about Kinect and feels it will be awesome... ON A PERSONAL LEVEL?  Please answer for yourself, and whether or not you see it be for yourself.

2. Who here plans on getting Kinect the first day it come out.  What are you planning on getting for it also, Also, what mini-games are you eager to try with Kinect?

I am curious about this, because I have to wonder how well Kinect is going to do at $140, if there is little interest in it now among those on here.  Large interest on here isn't a sign of success, but I am not sure one can say little interest on here is a sign of it doing real well.  Also, besides this, if there is interest in Kinect, how about creating it's own official thread already??