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so far, the xbox360 is way ahead of the ps3 in sales with 15.06M units sold world wide while the ps3 has sold 7.75M world wide.  it would seem that microsoft has this in the bag and sony has to play one hell of a catch up game.

 one thing though, the first batch of xbox360 units are prone to the rrod problem. though microsoft claims that the units that are afflicted by this contributes to only 3-5% of total untis sold, there are reports that the actual contribution of these defective units could be as high as 30%.

now, the real question is, of the 15.06M units sold, how many of these units are actualy in the hands of unique individuals? many xbox360 owners have been forced to buy 2nd, 3rd etc units since thier units have broken down.  how many of the 15.06M units sold have actually been thrown out the window because it has broken down beyond repair?

 if you think about it, the gap probably isnt really that big and the race is still much closer than many would admit.

 what do you all think?