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"Direct feed video and trailers are handled by SEGA. Drivable vehicles are a no go. We are an FPS." (posted by HVS Tony at 6:57am on June 21, 2010)

Tony, I believe, is the lead animator of Conduit 2 (or perhaps the only one).  So we have conflicting statements between the lead technical designer and the Conduit 2 animator.

From previous comments by Tony (on other forums), the physics for vehicles had not been created.  Perhaps we don't get to drive the vehicles?  Still, I would love to be proven wrong, especially if it meant some epic spaceship battles.  On the other hand, if vehicles are included, it might mean the game gets delayed and I'm afraid they'd feel tacked on instead of an integral part of the game since it wasn't planned for in the beggining.

I do really want vehicles though.  That, and evade mechanics (such as roll left/right).