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Solid_Snake4RD said:

like it is said userbase doesn't always matter


like howmuch ever big the userbase is in WEST,SQ will not sell much


with the FINAL FANTASY main series is concerned:

again the bigger userbase will not get FF games more sales.

Also FF main series games are supposed to be VISUAL MASTERPIECES so it could be a stumbling block to get it to 3DS even thought its powerfull not enought to justify FF main series

in the west not that many FF fans buy 3DS's as mainly all FF fans now are PLAYSTATION based so they will lose sales

in JAPAN,yes they will get sales but again we don't know as many Nintendo fans could really not buy FF as they have not had a big release since FF6

sure FF is Playstation in Japan, since Xbox360 is dead there

America/Europe audience is not that much about FF on DS either, but what i say about 3DS, is that it has a different approach, a better balance in casual and hard core audience, so, if it gains momentum and gamers buy it in the West, FF could sell on 3DS

3DS has a much bigger momentum on big 3rd party franchises than DS, since there graphics limit is gone, DS graphics are way too bad


of course Sony will copy and make sure PSP2 has all features of 3DS, as they do now with Wii, depends on when PSP2 will launch, as time passes, 3DS will gain the titles and the audience before PSP2 come to light

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^