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Michael-5 said:

Now here is my opinion, I'll try to make it short.

Halo games have increased in popularity over time. 6.4 million for Halo 1, 8.4 million for Halo 2, and 11 million currently for Halo 3 (this could go up to as high as 12 million in the long run). X-Box console are more popular then past X-Box's ever were, Halo Reach literally has double the install base, or more then any past Halo title. Halo 3 ODST, a Halo game on a current gen system without a public online multiplayer mode sold 5.2 million units, and it's still going up! 2.7 million gamers played the Halo Reach Beta. This is also the last Halo game by Bungie. Many factors tell me that Halo Reach will be the best selling Halo title ever.

I predict Halo Reach will sell 14.5-17.5 million copies, but I acknowledge that this game could potentially break 20 million sales.

Now Gran Turismo 5 is being sold late into the PS3's life cycle (lets say mid-life), so it's sales figures are more likely to match GT2 and GT4 figures then GT3. Except for GT3, Gran Turismo games usually sell around 10 million units, however a large portion of this games sales are to casual gamers. Since the PS3 console lacks the popularity, and hype, and market dominance the PS1 and PS2 did I think GT5 will sell worse then any past GT game. Gran Turismo also has a proper compeditor now, Forza, and Forza 2 sold 4 million units. Forza 3 is selling better, but my point is those customers already switched to a 360, and unless they buy a second console cannot purchase GT, and this includes many GT fans and hardcore gamers who would normally have bought GT if PS3 had the market dominance PS1 and PS2 had. However this is the first Gran Turismo title with brand named (not knock off) Ferrari's, Bugatti's, and Lamborshinis. Still the game does not have Porsche (only knock off Porsches), and does not feature proper simulated damge. GT only has cosmetic damge to cars, and this generation thats just not enough. Also the playstation has a significantly weaker hold on American game sales, and that is where past GT games trived.

I predict Gran Turismo 5 to sell 7-10 million copies world wide, but I aknowledge that if GT6 does not come out onto the PS3 and the PS3 lasts for an additional 5 years before it is replaced, this game could get up to 12 million sales.

So to me, and I have backed this up with lots of supporting evidence, Halo Reach will definatly outsell Gran Turismo 5. The real question is will Gran Turismo 5 outsell Halo 3 world wide?? That I can't predict, but it will come close.

Still a little long but much better, actually readable now. There's no way Halo Reach sells 20 million units unless they bundle it with everything like Kinect and launch it at U$40 like Forza 3. 14.5 million is also pushing it. I'm gonna say 10 million, just under Halo 3. your GT5 seems about right, but I'll say 9 million even if GT6 never comes out on PS3.