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Hynad said:

Well, according to Playstation The official Magazine:

The game will indeed have a cockpit view on all of the cars.  As I said.  They won't feature the collision engine among other details. ^_-


As I said, Neogaf isn't exactly the referrence.

I think you misunderstand what they are saying.

Ok GT5 has 1000 cars. That is how many cars are in the game that can be played.

There are two types of car. Premium and Standard.

There are 200 premium cars. These are the shiney cars that you see in the videos or demos. They are HD and look as great as great can get this gen. They have full cockpit view, have dashboard detail and have realistic windows. They also use GT5 damage system where they can lose doors, crumple bonnet, and have dents.

There are 800 standard cars. These cars are taken from previous versions of Gran Turismo. They use textures and graphics from older versions. They are touched up to make them look better then they did on previous versions. These cars however do not have a cockpit view, do not have detailed dashboard, have tinted windows and use a different damage system where they have light damage which is just scratches. It is not confirmed yet but people are saying these cars cannot roll, unlike the premium ones.

Now the gaf source thing. That is fair enough if you don't trust them but as far as i can tell most stuff that get's leaked does so first on there. As a website they are not fanboys, they look at info in a neutrual light and are objective. They have multiple contributions throughout the thread proving it. Especially screen grabs which show the texture difference.

As i said above to me that will make no difference. I will still buy it regardless but to petrol heads naturally they are not too happy.