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Does Apple need to be reminded that it once tried to enter this market and failed -- Pippin anyone.

Also, the Android models had a greater market share of new phones in NA first quarter than iPhones among Smartphones. And both were behind Blackberrys.

My wife has an iPhone -- and I call tell you the free games are often laggy and buggy (and ad filled) demos to get you to buy a $5 game. I don't make that purchase. Most people don't make that purchase. Why? Because they get their fix out of the free games.

I wonder what happens to Apple when Steve Jobs is not in charge?


Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492