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Mr Khan said:
Squilliam said:

Oh hell yes they are! Xbox Live, PSN are both highly subscribed services. Netflix which is a comparable service has millions of Xbox 360 users online so ESPN would feed off and expand the scope for both on demand services, especially in conjunction with Kinect. The same would apply to services like Primetime which will probably be Kinect enabled as well.

Anyway the gaming applications I saw looked up to snuff. Did you not see how awesome the dancing and fitness programs were? Also we haven't seen the core games thus far so I would have to reserve judgement until Gamescon before I make any decisions about its worthiness.

But i'm saying how is that going to push the real bottom line, new hardware sales?

Its a great application which will see a lot of use for the Xbox 360 beyond gaming. It increases demand for it with people who are interested beyond just gaming and it gives some killer non gaming uses for the console as well so people who aren't interested in gaming may still buy one. Why else did these consoles come with many gigabytes of storage if not also for the non gaming applications as wel?
