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Honestly the rehash arguement can be made with sony and microsoft as well. Just because a IP is old doesn't mean its worthless.  If your going to throw out dates 1987 1st Final Fantasy date.  1993 Sega Activator which one could argue was a primative version of Kinnect. 1996 Twisted Metal Released. 2001 Halo. This industry lives off of established IP's, unfourtant in some cases, but wonderful in other instances. In the case of Goldeneye gamers have been beging for that IP to return for over a decade. 3D yes its been around for a long time, but what hasn't it doesn't mean that when it first came out it was decent. People can argue that 3D technology is still in its infancy and no where near perfected. In my opinion with the 3DS and the concept of glasses -free tech is a major step forward in polishing 3D. Just because something has been around for a while does imply its living in the past.

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