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I don't want to quote your long post because long quotes are annoying, even on this site.

Your posts show the lack of objetivity, you mention "variety", but you do not look at the big picture. It's well known that Metratritic FAILS when it comes to Wii games. Many games with low score sell a lot more than many highly acclaimed games of the HD platforms.

What's wrong with Nintendo with making games for evryone? New super Mario Brothers Wii sold over 14 million and Mario Kart Wii sold over 22 million and both still sell incredibly good. Other games companies offered a similar approached and games like Just Dance, Carnival games sell really damn well. The formula has worked for them and they rather have third party focus on the smaller segments.

Sony and Microsoft offer the games "variety" that you like, you point that obvious in your post. But denying the variety of Wii is just plain stupidity and blindness to see what you want to see and not the reality.

All three consoles offer "variety". This is why there are gamers that own more than one system because no system is the absolute conteiner of content. Mentioning that one platform has better "variety" that others is SUBJECTIVE, because every gamer have different tastes in games.

As a Nintendo gamer, I say that Nintendo variety is what interest me the most and has me hooked. But I can't deny that the other platforms have a nice collection of games that Wii will never have and would love to play, so I can't downplay the other platforms.

Note: i put "variety" in quotation, because you, my friend, don't know what "variety" means

PS, my English is not my native so I make lots of grammar mistakes. So in before Idiotic grammar attacks