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infamous23 said:
tarheel91 said:
infamous23 said:
tarheel91 said:

There is no such thing as pulp literature.  It's an oxymoron.  Literature is seperate from fiction.  The aims of the two are completely different. 

Pulp fiction is a genre FROM the 20s and 30s.  It's not something that exists today (pulp is now used to refer to pieces of fiction that use similar themes to attract readers).  I explained how it worked above.  It is far more directly comparable to today's M rated games that throw sex and violence at the gamer to entice them than the Nintendo games you listed. DKC and Kirby attract gamers with the very essence of video games -- gameplay.

No one lumps a Nintendo game with Fallout as far as quality goes?  That's funny I found url=]7 games made by Nintendo who critics found to be of greater quality than the highest rated Fallout game.[/url]  Oh, some funny things of note: Nintendo created the top 3 games of all time, 2 of them made this generation.  Fancy that!

That's especially amusing considering the disdain with which many in the video game industry treat the Wii.

No, go look it up.  In their day writers like Jim Thompson, H. P. Lovecraft, and Cornell Woolrich were considered to be pulp fiction writers.  Now, they are considered to be some of the finest literary writers of the twentieth century.

Kirby and DKC haven't attracted most gamers with anything as of late except for the fact that NSMWii managed to sell 14 million copies so Nintendo wants to try to duplicate that success with those titles this year instead of coming up with a new game of substance.

If Ocarina of Time had been a PS1 game, then it wouldn't have scored any higher than FFVII and not as high as MGS.  It only scored so well because there really wasn't anything else on N64.  Pretty much the same thing with the two Galaxy games with the glut of the casual ware on Wii.  Funny thing, GTAIV a game you would probably try to tie in with the pulp games actually has a higher score on PS3 than either Galaxy game.

Nintendo said it themselves at their conference.  They're trying to make bridge games.  So far, however, they have failed to create the type of new core games this gen that they're trying to bridge those gamers to.

The issue is with your dating of Pulp Fiction rather than what I said.  I couldn't remember the time period, so I trusted yours to be correct.  It actually spanned from the turn of the century to the 50s.  Pulp remains a slang term to describe fiction that appeals to readers through the same themes as pulp fiction.  There is no more pulp fiction as there are no pulp magazines to publish it in.

A writer is completely capable of writing pulp fiction and literature.  I'm not debating that.  Fitzgerald actually wrote a bunch of romantic short stories for magazines that were comparable to the terrible romance novels of today.  He also wrote The Great Gatsby, a fantastic piece of literature.  However, that does not make all his work literature.  Same applies for all the writers you mentioned.  Just because someone writers literature and pulp fiction does not make pulp fiction and literature one and the same.

You do realize that DKC Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn were in far into production well before NSMB Wii was released, right?  It's not like NSMB Wii is the first 2D platformer they've released this generation, either.  Platformers is kind of Nintendo's thing.  We had a Paper Mario and Wario game before NSMB Wii.  This is not some fad they accidentally created and are jumping on.  This is their bread a butter.  Nintendo is THE BEST platformer developer in the world.  What's more, anyone who bothered to watch 15 seconds of either DKC or Kirby would recognize that these games play style is COMPLETELY different from NSMB Wii.  Kirby has never been a big seller, either.  It's a classic with the core Nintendo fanbase, but that's about it.

Finally, your arguments for why OoT and SMG 1 and 2 are rated as the best games of all time (Well above GTA IV, I might add.  I dunno where you got that from.  Click on the link, maybe?) are because of a lack of quality games on the systems they were released on?  Ignoring the incredible amount of classics on the N64 and the solid list of games on the Wii, let's pretend you're right.  So what?  Are game reviewers incapable of playing games on other systems?  Great gameplay is great gameplay, regardless of the system.  Even if I play along with your "They've overrated cause the N64 and the Wii had no games" argument, you can drop them five points and they're still well above 90% according to dozens of reviews.  They remain well recieved games.

However, the N64 and Wii libraries don't suck, and reviewers don't magically overrate games for being on those systems, so your point sucks in general.

What evidence do you have that both DKCR by Retro and Kirby have been in development for years?

I think most fans have been expecting a more hardcore / Metroid type game from Retro instead of a game like DKCR.  And it's not improbable to think development on DKCR would have started after the release of Metroid Prime Collection which would have been about the time NSMWii's sales took off.

Also, why these two platformers and not something a little riskier but just as much of a fan favorite like Mother 4 being one of the games annouced at E3?

Because the games would have to be only 6 months into development at this point, and anyone who's looked at either game can recognize they're further along than that.  I don't think you understand how game development works.  You don't just have one massive group that moves from one project to the next.  Individual teams work on certain parts of a game, and when their job is done, they move on to the next (story, level design, programmers, etc.).  There is very little new for the Trilogy except for controls and extra features.  That means that a good portion of resources were most likely shifted to DKC immediately after Corruption.  Actually, now that I think about it, I remember watching one of those exclusive videos on and a guy connected with Retro mentioned development started right after those big three left from Retro, and that was well over a year ago (I wanna say Spring of 08, but I'm pulling this date out of my ass).

Kirby has been in and out of future release sheets from Nintendo for years now.  It's also releasing Fall 2010, so there's no way it was started after the Christmas season 2009 (9 month development cycle? no way).

Last time I checked, Mother 3 hasn't been localized.  Why in the world would they release Mother 4?  Nintendo revived just about every IP of their's at this E3 besides F Zero and Wave Race.  Trying to argue they're milking their platformers after NSMB Wii's success makes no sense when they were in development well before that, AND we've got a Starfox game, a possible Pilot Wings game, and a Kid Icarus game that have all been revealed.

Edit: "Development on Donkey Kong Country Returns started in April 2008, just after some of the key personnel of Retro Studios had left the company." - Wikipedia.  Damn, I'm good.