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A lot of the criticism towards Nintendo is unwarranted to a certain degree. Those of us who grew were 8 to 15 during Nintendo's golden years in the mid 1990s were rewarded with games like Earthbound that people are paying upwards to $1000 on eBay right now.

The criticism originates from Nintendo not taking their franchises (Mario, Zelda, and Metroid primarily) to new levels. We have seen Nintendo do it with Super Mario 64. Super Mario RPG, Metroid Prime, Spirit Tracks, and Wind Waker. People are pissed right now because New Super Mario Bros. Wii was essentially Super Mario Bros. DS repackaged with 4 player co-op, there has not been a new Zelda or Metroid game for the Wii for a couple  ofyears now.

Furthermore, with new classic franchises being built for other systems such as God of War, Uncharted, Fable, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto, and the like, individuals are taking sides more than ever and comparing their newly loved games with the  Nintendo ones they played during their adolescence years.

Personally, I am still waiting on Earthbound 64, but hey you cannot always get what you want and when there are substitutes, then play them and expend all that anticipation on them.