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I don't have the time to reply to the entire OP, so I'll just discuss this one:"A healthy amount of of ports, remakes, and software that is very "console" as opposed to the the quick bites that handheld gaming is supposed to be.".

Ports and remakes, we shall see, also I don't think somebody ever said that it is not getting remakes or ports(though I must say I don't think there will be one game that can be strictly called a port). And I think it's a little sad that it has more 3rd party support than either the DS or Wii had when they launched.

Looking at the announced games by Nintendo.

Animal Crossing - new game
Kid Icarus: Uprising - new game
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - port/remake
Mario Kart - new game
nintendogs cats - new game
Paper Mario - new game
PilotWings Resort - new game
Star Fox 64 3D - port/remake
Steel Diver - new game

Most of Nintendo's games are new ones, with Steel Diver being a new IP. And you were not the first person to criticize the fact that it has ports/remakes, but it's not like all the games are ports/remakes, you didn't state I know, but a lot of people are making a mountain out of a molehill.

I'd do this fro 3rd parties as well, but I'm lazy, plus others might have more knowledge than me and be able to tell whether they are new games or not.