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Hello folks.

My internet is crap nowadays and it will be like this till next month starts (screw you NET/Virtua), so I almost dont go online.

Also, the World Cup has stolen pretty much all of my gaming time.

Luckily for me, I found a way to play free roam on Red Dead Redemption wihtout going online by choosing the LAN option.

So, I have been playing a little bit per day and just got to lvl 42. Only 8 levels to go for plat.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that the free DLC for RDR comes out on the 22th and my connection sucks. So it will take me hours (if not a day) to download the thing and I probably wont be able to join anyone online cause of my crappy connection.

Seriously. Screw you NET/Virtua.