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Like all the level headed people in this thread have stated. She said she wont play a mature game on a Nintendo platform just because its on a Nintendo platform. She did not say anything about power or HD or online or anything.

The Adam kinda keeps going and you can see her thinking, wow that was a fucking stupid thing to say, and kinda back off a bit. Or thats how i saw it. Maybe I should not call her a bitch. Im sure shes a nice enough person in real life. But this Nintendo bias really sickens me. Accually any bias sickens me. be it against Nintendo, MS or Sony. Its just that Nintendo has been getting kicked around for years now and when we see stuff like that from people like Morgan Web maybe we overreact a bit. IDK...

Nah shes a Nintendo hater and she needs to go away. Theres too many Nintendo haters out there and they need to be stopped! For me it started with IGN and now its Morgan Web. Too bad i gatta give up Adam as well.
