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with all this talk about where sony is going to be once 3ds comes out, I thought I should recreate this old thread I made that goes over a potential new hardware for psp2. This is not a Nintendo is doomed thread. It's a Sony is NOT doomed thread. Don't get it twisted. Haters.

This is it:

PSP2: Shades and biometric glove.
magnification lenses in front of LCD lenses.
Magnification works in levels of reverse magnification, pushing or pulling image away from lens.
Camera built into frames allows for real world image manipulation and overlay along with object, symbol, and face recognition according to the software.
IR sensor detects glove signatures and other glasses.
Wi-fi, bluetooth
Microphone and audio headsets.


biometric sensoring: blood/ocygen level, pulse reading, heat, precipitation.
Pressure sensors detecting objects and grip

Console: PSP sized device fits in pocket or bag straps. This device computes and returns all data.
Software is installed to the console and relies on the glasses for input. Glasses record positional and interactive data from glove. Console also tracks accelerometer readings from glove via bluetooth.

ARI ball toss -

Environment manipulation ARI -

Navigational Map ARI - as seen in picture at top

Street Level Mapping -  street level maps are downloaded and launched by shades to direct you as you walk. Video overlay allows for you to see the actual street with a overlay. Streets can be highlighted, pointed with arrows and with audio accompaniment.

Mobile Books: text can be read without holding the book in one, or both eyes. Text can be magnified or minimized, highlighted or set to an auto-scroll setting.

Face changer: give everyone a mustache, or horns. Manipulate faces and dress them up in whichever way. Software remembers faces upon saving and insta-loads each face it recognizes. Faces will retain memory until cleared.

personal trainer: headset creates a simulated trainer to mimic on an overlay. Character interacts via voice command and audio.

Other hardware specific software:
wifi connections able to stream movies and games over network.
Connectivity allows for voice interaction over short distances. Car to car, train to train, room to room.
Capable of inviting network guests directly into PSPminis, movies, and other games.

Other games:
Full stream of first party games along with 3rd party lineup. Fully capable of running FPS games, puzzles, adventure, RPG, platforming.
PSP minis: Play minis online over wifi connection.

Fully compatible with Dualshock controller for more in depth gaming.