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People still believe Graphical Power and games like Killzone, MGS and Final Fantasies are what going to sell hardware...

If this is what PSP2 will offer, they really better scratch it. Not only that, but the production costs for those games will be astronomical for such a powerful console like the one you all wish.

They need something (or many things like the original DS - dual screens, touch, microphone, cameras) that changes the way people play games and good games that make use of those innovations. 3DS already innovated with glass free 3D, 3D camera... so if sony has only graphical power again... wel, good luck to them, it's going to be even worse this time.

Plus, like iwata said... touch screen and 3D don't match very well... so if sony wants to do 3D they probably need a second non touch screen, and that would be a blatant copy of design, even for today's standards.