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Final-Fan said:
ishkabibble said:
Final-Fan said:
If you say I shouldn't accuse you of ___ when I am guilty in many places of the same thing, I don't think it's "nitpicking" to point out that most of those alleged instances of ___ are in fact nothing of the sort.

Your present behavior only increases my suspicions that you are trolling me, but I await your main response.

"Most" or "many" is irrelevant. _Any_ is what matters; you're a hypocrite.

I'm not here just for you. I'm one of the small minority who agrees with the original poster, and am annoyed at Nintendo for not meeting demand for over a year. Take a look at Nintendo's stock chart for the past 3 months, imagine you had a LOT of Nintendo stock, and then you might start to see where I'm coming from.

Then you're a hypocrite too, along with almost everyone on the planet. What's your point?

[edit3: Actually, now that I think about it, what I did was not hypocritical at all. Although I certainly don't condone condescension or belittlement, what I was objecting to in the post that started this exchange was your failure to address my argument.]

[edit: I do have over ten thousand dollars of Nintendo stock [edit2: on a current income of 25k], athough I'm aware that's much less than the amount you report (assuming "almost six figures" (IIRC) was referring to US dollars).

[P.S. If you have time for these responses, why don't you have time to respond to the main post? It's been days now.]

How am I a hypocrite about "belittling"? You made the accusation, and I was simply pointing out your hypocrisy. You know, glass houses and stuff.

I've got a dozen people showing up in two days and am getting my place and food ready. I don't have time to write a lengthy analytical post right now, especially to somone who's take pedantic to a whole new level.