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Squilliam said:

Most PS3s these days have two front facing USB ports. If you add Move to the equation then automatically one USB port is permamently taken up by the camera which means you have one front facing USB port left for charging things and one port permamently taken up with a USB port snaking to the PS Eye camera. (correct me if im wrong here)

So now theres only one USB port which people have to charge 3 or more accessories depending on what you get unless you grab additional accessories, it reminds me of the little old lady who swallowed a fly if you get what I mean. A typical Move PS3 owner will likely have at minimum two Move wands, and two DS3s and they all have one charging point on the console. So to get around this Sony releases yet another accessory which is the Move charging station.

The average PS3 Move consumer will need a total of between 6 and 11 PS3 accessories depending on how many they buy and what games they like to play in order to charge and use Move for up to two players. That is, one Eyetoy, one or two chargers, two to four Move controllers, two DS3s and up to two nunchuck things. Thats pretty complicated especially when there are 4-8 independant controllers which each need attention in the form of charging on top of physically storing them out of the way when they aren't being used. Compare that to the Wiimote which requires just two charged controllers and has swappable AA batteries which can be charged in less than 1 hour, 15 minutes is possible too with the right charger.

So now some of Nintendos 'Stupidity' actually makes sense. Their sensor bar comes out of the back and you can get a wireless one if thats not practical. The nunchuck connects to the Wiimote because it means one less thing to take care of and the Wiimote uses AA batteries not because Nintendo is stupid but because most people are too lazy to plug things in after they have used them.

Im not trying to put a downer on the Move as a controller this is seperate from how good the thing is as an interface. Its a really good one in fact, but it seems that Sony didn't consider the practical side at the same time. The move system just seems over complicated and consumer unfriendly outside of a dedicated market. You have to be very dedicated and on top of things if you want to get the full experience shown at the Sony E3 conferrence. If you want to add 3D on top of every thing else and share it all with one other person you're going to need to keep two pairs of active shutter glasses charged at the same time! At minimum a 3D PS3 Move user will need around 8 accessories which require seperate charging!



this says hi and i have seen one which supports 4 ps move's for charging / end thread

Official charger

it's the future of handheld


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