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I am definitely going to get Halo Reach the graphics look amazing, the battles look intense, they've added space battles, and the developers have said that the main campaign is going to be very story driven and character driven plus it's going to explain the events that led up to the first halo.

Fable 3 looks interesting to me.  I like how you are the son or daughter of the main hero from fable 2 and you are going to overthrow the king and become king yourself.  I want to find out what will I be able to do as king in the game will I be able to conquer new lands and expand my reach and power.

I am looking forward to the crytek game because I could use a new action adventure title for my 360 and crytek is probably going to really push what the 360 can do visually.

And naturally I have to get Gears 3 just to see how the trilogy ends.

If the new forza title is just forza 3 with kinect then I am not interested.  But if it is indeed forza 4 and a full blown sequel with improved graphics, more cars, tracks, modes etc then I will buy it.