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MrBubbles said:
ils411 said:
Onyxmeth said:
MrBubbles said:
iWarMachine said:

1 Move PSEye Game = 99


1 Move




1st Grade stuff guys.


Nunchuck = Dualshock.

congratulations on your three hands.  most people dont have them though.  thanks for being irrelevant.

Those X and O buttons on the Navi Controller are also on the Wand. They're not two separate sets of X and O buttons. If on the Wand, the X button is the Jump button, it's going to be the Jump button on the Navi Controller's X button also. They won't perform separate actions, so it's really a matter of convenience. Personally I find using a Dualshock in this manner to be horrendous, as the weight distribution is poor, causing your hand to either tire or have to rest on a surface, and without a full grip on it, you can easily lose your placing on buttons and your ability to work the analog well. However, it will work as far as buttons are concerned.

so, mrbubbles, do you still need three hands? congratualtions and thanks for  being ignorant and  irrelevant

oh look another person with nothing to add who just wants to come into the discussion and talk shit.  thanks for being a troll.

your welcome, so how does it feel to be wtf wrong?