Raze said:
I know that, I'm talking about the difference in controller reaction based on the developer side, not the hardware side. Some games aren't nearly as precise as others just due to rush jobs, etc. I was giving an example of a game where the dev took the time to make the response between controller and game correct. As for WM , the acceleration is in the standard Wii Remote, play billiards on Wii Play to get an idea of depth reading. The WM part is for the multi-lateral positioning on the x/y axis, where the accelerometers take care of the z axis. For example, as a martial art studen versed in boken work, I think that the Kendo in WSR is pretty accurate based on actual movements. Sure, you can swing like a maniac, but you can just as well apply real moves in 3d space and time in 1:1. My point at the end of this is what I started with. No system has a "better" 1:1, they just all have 1:1 systems now (or will when the HD systems release). While both Sony and MS want to tear the motion control crown from Nintendo, they can only equally match it since Nintendo jumped on the WM scene. |
oh yeah i agree. sorry if i didn't make myself clearer, but the hardware for move is simply better. Whether that translates into gaming or not is a different story. It could potentially be very not-fun and difficult to code. I also agree that it has a lot to do with the developer's prowess.