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Also it was misleading when Reggie said the Wii has sold more games.  Sure, but look how many more Wiis are out there.  I will be impressed if the Wii has sold more games proportionally to its owner base but that's not what he said.

And I found it funny when he said Wii owners both A. buy lots of games and B. never lose interest in the system.  Because everyone I know that personally has one (granted, just a few people) neither buy games or play their systems at all anymore.

Lastly I was confused about how the touching of the screen degraded 3D.  I mean I understand that but he then said, so only the bottom screen is a touch screen.  Is he basically saying, well, only one of your screens will degrade? Is that acceptable?

But, Resident Evil in 3D on a handheld *drools*