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RAZurrection said:
BBH said:

Sony has 31 games for Move launch alone,

I hope you aren't including patches for existing games with that.

BBH said:

 plus about 5 other big titles like Twisted Metal and InFamous.

And? I listed 6 360 exclusives and 1 game also on PC as well, same as the TC has done. I'm just wondering why he believes Sony is the king of exclusives for having 6 games and a console exclusive when the competition is packing the same, or in Nintendos case, much more. If anything Sony should have much more given they are supposed to have a bigger first party combined!

BBH said:

Forza 4 hasn't been announced. That was F3 with connect.

Bang wrong.

The next full Forza Motorsport experience, which utilizes some of the ideas presented in this demo, will ship in 2011.



Yes. Without patches it's still over 25

Sony has infamous 2, LBP2, GT5, Motorstorm 3, Twisted Metal, Agent, The last Guardian, KZ3 yada yada yada. Really Sony are always going to win on quantity, quality is opinionated I guess.

And cool, didn't know that about Forza.


Sony has near 40 games in the works and it's not enough?