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Warning: This doesnt mean i hate the ps3, 360 or wii, well maybe wii because had it and got bored so fast xD but thats another story xD (i loved brawl and super mario galaxy btw).


i think that both sony and microsoft sucked this e3, sony has the best line up we all know about it, still they didnt show anything new we all knew about their product before the show and who didnt see kz3 getting move support.... and MS man... kinect sucks balls, maybe for a media thing its impresive, but for gaming at least the games are a real dissapointment..., maybe i can give MS credit because they have crytek now making an exclusive and man gears of war 3 looks sick, still not much there too and mm the redesign console was ok.

Finally the wii... mm pretty standar i wasnt really impressed by zelda (dont get me wrong is my favourite franchise) and well Donkey kong thats nice =) still got to see more about it.

What really blew me away was the 3DS, i havent had any portable since the gameboy color (not counting my ipod touch) but i might get the 3ds, the library is so awesome, i think its a huge step forward from the DS

So the only one i can congrat is nintendo for the 3DS  and some games from sony and ms but really not that many =)!!