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sguy78 said:
HappySqurriel said:
sguy78 said:
HappySqurriel said:
sguy78 said:
PDF said:

Way to early to call.  Just like always though, people i know voted for him now bitch about him.  It sickens me how fast this country turns on our presidents.

he didn't have a chance. it took 8 yr's to get a surpluse under clinton, one yr' to blow the surpluse under Bush, 8 yr's to kill not just the American economy but the global economy under Bush. (and several large finacial firms)

I just couldn't stop laughing after reading this post. If you actually think Bush caused this recession you are living in a dreamworld.


i see you didn't even look at the side not where i said and other large financial firms. your just looking for something in nothing.

P.S i don't dream but i do sleep well.

Regardless of what you wrote, the implication you made was that Bush caused this recession. One sitting President does not create a recession. There is plenty of blame to go around, but recessions are cyclical anyways. We should have gone into a recession in America earlier than we did. Gee, it couldn't be Bill Clinton who intoduced legislation opening up risky loans to people who really didn't qualify for them? Everybody deserves a chance to own ther own home, right? I'm not going to say that Clinton caused the recession because of just that. Also, Clinton wasn't the reason we got a surplus. It was Newt, and the Republican House. Get your facts straight before you continue on with the "Bush 8 years apocalypse!" crap.

I think you should watch the videos ...

it was still his congress and senate. my facts are strate. the president gets credit for what his congres does and doesn't do. u are behind. catch u

No, you need to get your facts straight. The last two years of the Bush administration the House and Senate were Democratically held.

so the republicans screwed up for 6 yr's and wouldn't help the dem's  fix there mess for the last 2.