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sguy78 said:
HappySqurriel said:
sguy78 said:
HappySqurriel said:
sguy78 said:
PDF said:

Way to early to call.  Just like always though, people i know voted for him now bitch about him.  It sickens me how fast this country turns on our presidents.

he didn't have a chance. it took 8 yr's to get a surpluse under clinton, one yr' to blow the surpluse under Bush, 8 yr's to kill not just the American economy but the global economy under Bush. (and several large finacial firms)

I just couldn't stop laughing after reading this post. If you actually think Bush caused this recession you are living in a dreamworld.


i see you didn't even look at the side not where i said and other large financial firms. your just looking for something in nothing.

P.S i don't dream but i do sleep well.

Regardless of what you wrote, the implication you made was that Bush caused this recession. One sitting President does not create a recession. There is plenty of blame to go around, but recessions are cyclical anyways. We should have gone into a recession in America earlier than we did. Gee, it couldn't be Bill Clinton who intoduced legislation opening up risky loans to people who really didn't qualify for them? Everybody deserves a chance to own ther own home, right? I'm not going to say that Clinton caused the recession because of just that. Also, Clinton wasn't the reason we got a surplus. It was Newt, and the Republican House. Get your facts straight before you continue on with the "Bush 8 years apocalypse!" crap.

I think you should watch the videos ...

I did. I'm just tired of this whole Bush is the reason for everything bad that happens. I'm surprised we haven't heard some conspiracy theory that Bush caused this oil spill 10 hours before he left office. I mean, we all know how much he hates black people in the Louisiana area.

he did?