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DMeisterJ said:
@ Sorair

Let's hope that people know that the episodic content is not going to be free. I really don't care what system it's on. I've never completed a GTA game anyway (Save for III) and I've owned them all and the PSP ones. I couldn't care less about Episodic Content but some people must be chomping at the bit to pay for a few extra hours.

More so, it will benefit the hardcore GTA fans. Not for you, by you giving me the description on how you didn't complete any GTA games, just gives me an indication that the exclusive content is not for you. So the PS3 version of GTAIV will most likely be your choice.

I know Microsoft will charge the hell out of 360 owners to some instinct. But really its about how they advertise the game and the exclusive content.

Will it be worth the $50million that Microsoft handed to Take-Two or will it not?

The sales and the word-of-mouth will be the only indicators....

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