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Rpruett said:
Christian973 said:

Are you seriously going to start going back and forth with the price options again. Didn't numerous members already pointed out numerous times that the Wii's price point wasn't the only thing that made it succesful? What did the Ps3 and 360 brought to gaming this gen? HD? Nintendo taught us that HD graphics didn't work this generation and that the casual don't give a flying **** about graphics. If there are FUN games it'll sell. Wii sold because of the great experience it offered people with Wii Sports. Not the price point. Stop trying to use that reasoning to back up your so called "facts" dude.

I don't know.  I really believe that price was still easily the biggest mitigating factor in peoples purchases of the HD consoles (Which is why the Wii became a viability).  

Think about the market for a minute here.  Nintendo has a long track record of being quality and solid.  Sony does too but Sony's newest machine was the one out of the three that was most anticipated.  Simply because the PS1/PS2 were both amazing systems and widely accepted and loved.

Microsoft jumped out the gate first at 400$.  A pretty steep price but still somewhat reasonable.  The graphics early on in the HD systems weren't especially light years ahead of the prior systems.  There wasn't any killer software.  Microsoft was still unproven by and large.  They were an unknown quantity that not tons of people took the plunge with.  (In large part waiting for Sony / Nintendo (more established  video game companies) products. 

Sony / Nintendo come out.  Nintendo is significantly cheaper than either option.  Sony is absurdly high priced.  At this point, what is going through a consumers head?   The price difference is just too much to ignore.   The Wii comes out at 250$  with a brand new control scheme unlike anyone has really used.  

Microsoft and Sony have 150$ and 350$ higher priced machines.  The choice is obvious to casual who is interested modestly in gaming.   With the plan of buying maybe a Xbox or PS3 down the road.   Price was easily the biggest factor but motion controls played their role in the sense of hyping the product.


But I don't believe the hype would have even been nearly as high if the PS3 came in at a price say like (300$) originally.  I think the PS3 would have cannibalized 360s sales if it were 300$ and I think it would have chewed some of the Wii's sales on a week to week.   And the result IMO?   A competitive race between the PS3/Wii at this point in the generation and that would be where the PS3 would have an advantage moving forward.   Obviously though, 300$ was completely unachievable for the PS3 in 06'.



these people just disregard how brand power and momentum work