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tinybigman108 said:
Squilliam said:
tinybigman108 said:

hahahahahahaha yea like i said i'd rather take the variety of those games from developers i love over the 3 exclusives (in this case the 2 you named here).   sorry dude i don't limit myself to just shooters especially one i don't like (halo), and another while pretty good (gears) with a crappy online (gears2)

man i tell ya if it wasnt for mass effect, splinter cell, and alan wake i wouldn't have even touched my 360 this year. while on my ps3 this year i've played Heavy Rain, GoW3, 3D Dot, RDR, Star Ocean Inter, ModNation, Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy 13, WKC, Lost Planet 2, GTA Liberty City Stories, MLB10 The Show.  notice how among this list i have 6 exclusives from different genres?  that's right variety the very thing i was talking about.  so you go ahead and play your same 2 games over and over while i'll go on playing my variety of games.


Assumption is the mother of all... Anyway I play games which have great replayability. You don't get that from Sony. How many shooters has Sony bought out with decent local play? 0. With a console which defines itself as the central media centre for the main TV in the house why would I want to keep anything which cannot be played more than one person at once? My PC is a personal item and theres no expectation for local play which makes single player only games OK. My console is attached to a TV in a room which sees a lot of use. How can I even play a single player console game again if they are so lame as to be ultra violent, single player, no pick up and play?

Sure you can argue that Sony has some coop games but when Nintendo Wii is on that same TV why bother with Mod Nation when I can have Mario Kart, why bother with LBP when I have NSMB Wii? Why bother with God of War when I have Super Smash Bros Brawl? What else is left? Graphics? My HTPC crushes the PS3 in outright performance. My gaming PC is night and day vs my HTPC. Gameplay? I have a huge selection of games I already own on my PC which are outright as good as if not better than everything Sony has ever released this generation.


i dont like mario kart or brawl, i do like NMBW wii but i haven't even finished it yet.  you seem to be a pc elitist to me so the only game(s) your probably playing are MW2, BFBC2 as you say you dont like single player.  to me that seems limited.  there are just time where i don't want to play with other people and a great single player experience is more rewarding them so regular old multiplayer. 

actually what makes this so called pc gaming better than console gaming? all 3rd party games are multiplatform and they play the exact same way across all platforms.  to me unique gaming experience are more important than just multiplayer and single player games bring that to the table for me.

oh and please enlightment to more gaming beyond ps3 and 360.  also please tell me what your playing that gives you such a great experience on PC or 360.

Again with the assumptions! I have honestly never played MW2 or BC2 because I am simply NOT interested. Anyway if PC elitism means that I care enough about my experience to take control, to not be spoon fed and actually make decisions about where to prioritise my computers resources in a game, then im guilty as charged. Elitism implies higher standards in some things and of course theres an element of PC gamers who have much higher standards, its the nature of the platform and as natural as the fact you'll find people who love Nintendo games also own a Wii. On the other hand casual is the main focus of the PC and there are more people playing Farmville than there are playing the Wii.

What am I playing on my oh so mighty PC? Civilization IV, Jagged Alliance 2 (with mods), Freespace 2, League of Legends, Age of Empires 3, Red Faction 3 and STALKER. I have played all except for LOL, STALKER and RF3 for over 500 hours each. I don't even begin to think a game is replayable until well past the 100 hour mark. The majority of these barring AOE3 and LOL are single player experiences.

What makes PC gaming better? Well its simple. My PC is a DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, NES, SNES, Megadrive, Saturn, Dreamcast, GB, GBA, etc as much as it is a PC. On emulation grounds alone its the best gaming machine in the universe. Beyond consoles I can play games from over 20 years ago on my PC. I can experience a library unmatched in depth and breadth and thats without resorting to emulators.
