I've had some time to read the article and it really touches on one thing that has bothered investors for some time...Stock Price.
MS stock has fluctuated between 20 and 30 for what seems like the last five years and and the dividen paid out by MS isn't comprable to other stocks in that price range so investors that have been holding this stock hoping for a surge in price are getting disspointed.
And that is a fair complaint, the big problem is the short sighted solution this artlicle touches on. Cutting EDD gives you a headline that could be run with and maybe gets the price to break that 30 barrier, but in the long run it leaves MS without a gateway to home entertainment and the revenue those devices can bring.
ISI Whyman's is no fool and he knows his comments are short sighted so I'm guessing his attempt to attack the EDD is to get a short term price boost so he can sell his holdings in MS at a premium and walk away. Fortunately MS, knows where it is going and EDD is definitely in its future.