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Alright since the GameCube era Nintendo has been growing at an unprecedented rate. Creating new IP's and franchises as they go. But as they produce more and more new properties and try to revive older ones they are slowly neglecting more and more of their core franchises. Perfect examples include Donkey Kong , StarFox , Kirby , PilotWings, WaveRace, F-Zero then theirs all the older unused properties like StarTropics, Kid Icarus , Ice Climbers. Gamers have been waiting along time to see these franchises rebooted.

Their is so much demand for these franchises , demand Nintendo alone cannot meet. During the GameCube era Nintendo outsourced development of core IP's to Hudson, Capcom, NamcoBandai , Paon , Kuju...etc...etc... I know I for one was satisfied with Donkey Konga, Mario Party ,LOZ:MinishCap , StarFox Assualt and BattalionWars. Would you like to see Nintendo outsource more IP's to third party publishers or developers. Nintendo has been liscensing Nintendo properties since the N64 days wouldn't it be nice if they did some more.

I know I myself wouldn't mind seeing another Namco made StarFox title. Or how about a Capcom Donkey Kong. Or Why not a Sora made Kirby title for 3DS. I wouldn't mind Nintendo outsourcing franchises rather then simply neglecting them.

Would you rather see Nintendo not meet demand and alot of these franchises simply die, or would you rather see Nintendo outsource some liscenses to third parties and see sequels to some of your favorite games?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer