It looks like damn Ghost Busters. Why did they change the style ?! The style was about the best thing of the whole game. Bring back the dark and gloomy Cole , not this bullshit.
When I read the part 'New Beginning' it sounds even darker than the first game.
I mean , look at the cab. It looks so stupid. I hope that these screens seem to be way different on screen , because otherwise I will be very dissapointed and I whas really waiting for the second game of the series. The old Cole whas 10X more bad-ass... Cole should'nt smile. His girlfriend died , his city is in trash , he will face a very strong enemy , he is again in a shitty situation. And he's fucking smiling.
And then I read that they looked like how it would be as Tony Hawk or Travis Pastrana with super powers ?! WTF ?!
He NEEDS to be the dark , mystic , strange guy from the first game. He HAS to be the anti-hero.
And holy shit WTF ?! New voice actor ?! What got into Sucker Punch !
And also 'Ice Powers ?!'. COME ON !