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Hey this story's already been updated with some more bonus rumors about who's developing it.  It's been our hottest story for 2 days straight now if you haven't seen it yet:

And Pachter's already begun the butthurt backlash, saying the sales will be "underwhelming" and that it would be more successful on the 360.  Hahahaha.

The actual team behind the original isn't at Rare anyway.  All the GoldenEye guys quit and and made the TimeSplitters games.  If Rare made this it would be just as weird and crazy, without any of the original talent behind this masterpiece.  And Rare's too busy with something for Natal.  But the whole point of GoldenEye was to usher in 4-player FPS parties on a home console.  GoldenEye was right up there with Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, Bomberman 64, and the original Mario Parties, as the best 4-player party games on the N64.  If this game uses a new Wii Zapper AND a new classic controller, and uses both control schemes well, and brings back the fun 4-player local party time spirit of the original, it wins.  8 player online doesn't hurt either.