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badgenome said:
richardhutnik said:

Anyone ever bash the last president over not being bipartisan?  Of course not.  No one expected the last president to be bipartisan ANYTHING.

What's funny is that Bush was fairly bipartisan, much moreso than Obama. Most major items of his agenda had substantial Democratic support, including both of his wars, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, his attempt at an amnesty for illegals, No Child Left Behind, his pension and Medicare bills, and TARP.

Also, you're just flat out wrong that Republicans offered nothing on health care. Go look up Paul Ryan's plan, for instance.

Not to mention his immigration plan basically was a democratic plan.  He just couldn't get any republican support.

The fact that the Healthcare "bipartisianship" was a crock could eaisly be seen in the fact that they didn't bother to actually talk to any Republicans until after the Bill had been written.

They wrote the thing then added on token things to claim bipartisianship.  Which is generally how Obama works.  Well, more the congress who has hijacked him.  I mean he's doing shit even he didn't want to do.