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In my opinion already one of the greatest presidents of all times.

Do not forget that he has to deal with Republicans in congress who

are not willing to move anything forward and are trying to block everything

( health care, climate bill, bill to reform Wall Street etc.) 

People tend to forget that. If anyone is interested in having a good discussion about American politics

he is welcome to send me a pn. I would be very interested to listen to someone who does not approve of

Obama and his reasons. As longs as the discussion is lead with mutual respect.


In the short time of his presidency he has already moved a couple of things forward.

And most importantly the economy is recovering and just in may 400.000 new jobs were created.

He has finally started to reach out to Americas allies who have become very rare the past eight years.

He understands that we can only overcome today's challenges if the leading nations work together.


Another important aspect for me is that he started to decrease the amount of nuclear weapons

and signed a treaty that both Russia and the USA will destroy a huge amount of the arsenal.


Whether you agree with Health care or not you gonna have to admit that the health system in the

US needed a huge overhaul. It is one of the most expensive and least effective in the world.

I do not understand why people are against it because it doesn't change your current health plan.

It only allows people less lucky to get treatment as well and prevents companies from kicking you out.


Why shouldn't he be elected for a second term? Even ( in my opinion) the worst president George W. Bush managed to pull that off.