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sguy78 said:
Christopher5777 said:

After seeing people's replies it just shows how little people know about politics.. Do i think Obama will win re election? absolutly..  Lets look at it this way.  At this same time in their presidencies, both Reagan and Clinton where at 40% approval ratings. Everyone said they would lose re election big, well what actually happened was both won re election by more votes than their first election!

I saw one poster here compare Obama to carter? lol really?  Obama is the anti carter..  Carter was incompotent, Obama got healthcare reform done, something 7 presidents have tried for the last century, Obama did it.  Obama has turned around this economy. Jobs ar growing again, GDP is growing again, consumer confidence is back up and things are looking up for the better.

Obama has held at a very steady 48% approval rating for the last 6 months, what that shows is Obama has a very strong base of support.  All Obama is doing is keeping his campaign promises, nothing more nothing less. Lets go through them shall we.  Healthcare reform done, Dont Ask Dont tell on the way to being repealed, he sent more troops to afghanistan, the Iraq war is still ending in 2 months, the economy is roaring, financial reform is expected to be passed by July 4th and he ordered the closing of GITMO.

He talked about ALL these things on the campaign trail.  Also the GOP doesnt have ANYONE worth running.. Sarah Palin? lol i needed a good joke..  Rand Paul/Ron Paul, the same ones that want to repeal civil rights?  yea right.   The bottom line is, YES Obama will win re election by a landslide.  Id be willing to bet money on it

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Rand Paul was not saying that he wanted civil rights repealed, he simply stated the the federal government should not have a right to tell a company whom it may or may not serve. That is libertarianism at its core; the federal government was never meant to have the vast power it now employs. A reporter with an (far left of course) agenda turned it into, "Rand Paul wants to repeal civil rights." Keep on spouting off your far left lies pal. Do you actually believe the drivel you spout out?

It doesn't matter what he meant but what he said, which is that he does not support the federal government enforcing racial equality.  People are not going to like hearing this no matter what, thus he is a weak candidate.