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mrstickball said:
__XBrawlX__ said:

Why is everyone so cynical when they talk about him. Just last year this time people still loved him. And unlike Bush, who got re-elected, I fail to see in glaring flaws in what he has done so far...

Could someone explain? (Im not American BTW)

Lets see:

  • Promised a ticket of 'hope' and 'change', despite keeping us in 2 unpopular wars, and a lot of Bush-era policies.
  • Was supposed to be a 'uniter' and bi-partisan, despite pushing through some glaringly one-sided .
  • Has totally botched economic recovery with a poorly planned bailout.
  • Currently botching the oil disaster - he's sat back, and waited for it to get worse and worse, spouting rhetoric with no actions.
  • Has done nothing of major positive worth since his election a year and a half. America is, for the most part, worse off now than when he was elected.
  • Fought for a very poor health care bill, instead of focusing on the economy.

That would sum most of it up.

He did a lot to bring bipartisanship to the table, but republicans were having none of it.  It's not his fault, bipartisanship doesn't mean just giving the other party everything they want without putting up a fuss.  Obama gave a lot of concessions to republicans at first but they still did nothing for him so he dropped it altogether.

Also would you just pull out of the wars?  That would be idiocy and a disaster scenario, the job must be finished we can't just cut and run.

As for botching the economic recovery every economic analyst agrees that the stimulus packages and bailouts kept us from going into a longer and deeper recession,  our economy has been growing steadily for the past four months and jobs have been increasing.

Nothing of worth?  The healthcare bill allows anyone to acquire healthcare and that effect was immediate, I know a good group of people who didn't have access before who do now. That effect was immediate and greatly positive.


Sorry couldn't wait to read eight pages had to reply to this post, but I think he'll win because as joblessness slowly decreases more and more people are seeing for themselves that his policies are indeed working.