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I'm not mad the game got a 10.  Just so far, I'm not sure its gone beyond the original Mario Galaxy.  And I've played about 3/4 the game.

In some ways, its clearly topped the original Mario Galaxy in size of worlds and 'design'.  In other ways, it doesn't quite have the balance and progression of the original.  I haven't reached the ending yet, but if I was reviewing the games, I would give both the same score for doing different things.

The other problem is, if Mario Galaxy 2 is to be given a perfect score, what do you give future games?  What if Metroid: Other M and Zelda Wii come out...and they're the pinnacle titles of their series?  Do they just now get automatic 10s?  Do we need to invent new scores?  Start going for a 12 out of 10 system?

Really, it just shows how reviews are kinda pointless.

Six upcoming games you should look into: