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Almost all of those ten games are downgraded versions of the type of franchises on HD consoles. That`s the problem with the PSP in North America. A less powerful portable version of a PS3 isn`t going to be popular in countries (America and Canada) where most adults drive a car instead of taking public transit. And adults are the PSP`s target audience for the most part. A friend of mine with a PSP stopped playing with his PSP completely as soon as he bought a car. He doesn`t have much opportunity to play lengthy games on the go. When he comes home, it`s PS3 and PC time. I even tried to do the hard sell on him pointing out the great old-school jrpgs on the PSP (and did the same when explaining to him why the DS is awesome) but he doesn`t care. He only wants to play his jrpgs in HD. The PSP can`t compete for the attention of the vast majority of young adult males.

The PSP`s best bet is niche marketing. Jrpgs are quite popular with the PSP crowd (and the stats show this. Look at 2009 figures. Monster Hunter was like in the top 3 in NA for PSP software. It sold like 350k or something). The mainstream stereotypical HD gamer in his teens and twenties won`t care about the PSP no matter what anyway. So focus on the niche that appreciates the PSP`s library. They should include games like Dissidia Final Fantasy, last year`s Monster Hunter and FF7 Crisis Core in their bundles. Because that`s the PSP`s main consumer right now. Most gamers don`t care about playing FIFA on the go. They`d rather play it on their PS3 or 360.